Posted on: 10 January 2021Recipe - Stir Fried Pork w/ Veggies

Note: the amounts defined here is approximate, as I completely eyeball my cooking, I've always been taught by my parents to eyeball my cooking.
- Pork mince (250g) - any other kind of mince can be substituted here.
- Bok Choy or any other leafed veggie (Wombok or Nappa Cabbage also works)
- Water
- 1 teaspoon of Salt
- 1 clove of garlic
Sauce Thickener
- 2 tablespoon of corn flour
- water
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
- 2 tablespoon Soy Sauce
- 2 tablespoon Chinese Cooking Wine (or Rice Cooking Wine)
- 2 teaspoon Baking Soda
- 2 teaspoon of Ginger Powder (or diced fresh ginger also works)
- 1 tablespoon of water
- Marinate the pork mince in a glass container (or any sealed container) with the soy sauce, cooking wine, baking soda and ginger - stir it until mixed through - note: add more soy sauce/cooking wine if not enough liquid. Let it sit in the fridge for at least 6 hours (the longer the better)
Note: you can always marinate more meat for other purposes, I always marinate all my meat (500g) then use half for this meal - Cook your rice with your preferred method
- Prep the bok choy by washing it and cutting into bite sized pieces, let it dry for around 10-20 mins. Also dice your garlic.
- Once your rice is cooked, we can start cooking. Start by heating your pan with 2 tablespoons of oil and cooking the mince once the oil is hot, until brown (not burnt) , add more oil if pan doesn't have any more oil - you usually need quite a bit of oil when cooking meat mince (its fine if there's leftover oil). once mince is cooked through, put aside in a separate bowl.
- If the pan doesn't have any leftover oil, add a coin-sized drop of oil then add the garlic in once the oil is hot, cook the garlic a bit (not burnt), once garlic starts to turn colour, add in your chopped leafed vegetable. Sprinkle your salt on top of the leafed veggie - this lefts the veggie to softened easily and release some of its juice faster.
- Stir the veggie, and add in around 1/4 cup of water, close the lid of the pan and let it cook - stir through occasionally.
- While the veggie is cooking, prep the thickener. Add corn flour to a clean bowl, and add in around 1/4-1/2 bowl of water and stir with your finger until all the solid is now a liquid (it should be smooth) - this liquid shouldn't be thick but shouldn't be too watery either. Add in the 1 tablespoon of soy sauce.
- Once the veggie is softened, we can add more water here if appropriate (usually around another 1/4 cup of water) and add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and stir a bit. Once the liquid is boiling, we gently add our thickener a bit at a time while stirring it into the liquid in the pan, until the sauce is thickened (and not too thick, you might get some leftover thickener but thats okay).
- Let the sauce cook through until boiling (add more water if the sauce is too thick and stir through until smooth) and stir ocassionally, let it cook for another 2-3 mins.
- Your done! You can plate it or get a bowl of rice and serve it over the rice (I prefer this method as the sauce soaks the rice which gives it an amazing flavour)
Here's a video of my cooking it in the second half of the recipe: